13. Standard interface controls

After many years of online and computer based interface design, a number of controls have become virtually standard. People are familiar with these controls and so can easily use the interface. These include


This informs the user about the nature of the control. It should be short and to the point. Usually form labellocated to the top or left of the control. Use reasonable font and size. A label does not load data in any way.


Pro: Permanent text explaining the function of the related control
Con: User cannot alter the size of text unless some clever coding is put in place

Group / Frame

This is a visual aid to show that a set of controls are related to one another. It takes the form of a square or rounded rectangle around the set of controls.

Pro: Keeps related controls together
Pro: Helps user see that a set of controls are related to one another
Con: Can be confusing to the user if the controls are not actually related but is simple a poor interface design
Con: Takes up space on the interface but does not actually change data in any way

Command Button:

Pressing this will make something happen.

command buttons

A poor interface may not provide the user with any feedback that something is happening, so they press it again and again. Any command button should cause some visible change or a confirmation message to appear.

Pro: User can cause macros and programs to run on demand
Pro: User does not need to know how the task is carried out
Con: Unless there is additional information on screen, it may not be obvious what a command button is meant to do.
Con: Must handle multiple presses properly to avoid errors

Check box

This allows the user to select a feature. The feature should be identified by the check box label. For instance checkbox on a form

"Send by first class mail"
Sometimes a check box is automatically ticked (Opt-in) or it may be blank (Opt-out).

Pro: Easy for user to make a choice
Pro: A number of check boxes can be ticked at the same time
Con: the choice made is either Tick or Not ticked with no other choice allowed, this may not be flexible enough



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