The Modern Christmas Story

kingsIt was the 24th of December when three wise men were sitting in their mansion in Devon. Gaspar was watching their new 50 inch 3d television, Balthasar was checking through his emails on his new macbook and Melchior was reading magazines on his iPad.

"Hey guys, look here it says here in my starwatchers' magazine that there is a huge unheard of star just appeared over this place called, Bethlehem." Said Melchior. " Yeah, I've got an email about that, let's go check it out." Replied Balthasar. Suddenly a grunt from the sofa, "No, can we do it later, this is my favourite show!" Moaned Gaspar. Balthasar and Melchior shared an evil glance...

"You didn't have to drag me out so viciously, I would have come in a bit." Grumbled Gaspar rubbing his arms and legs. "Oh no! We can't see anything because of this wretched light pollution." Moaned Melchior. "I think I might have something which could help." Says Gaspar, dashing back inside. Within a minute Gaspar's back with a pair of heat seeking goggles, Melchior snaps them on and gasps, "To the Lamborghini, NOW!"

Soon they're speeding down the motorway heading in the direction of the hidden star. Melchior is in the back making phone calls to various people. In ten minutes he has agents and associates of his in the area checking it out. "So what was so important about the star?" Asks Gaspar, clearly confused. "It's an unseen star and it is unusually large, you can't miss one like that. It's a sign, I've heard of them before, they mark a VERY special event and are usually directly over the position where its taking place. Balthasar, put the postcode TN27 8FN into the satnav and follow the directions. Gaspar I presume you're looking it up on google Earth?" Gaspar chuckles nervously, "Ummm no, I was playing a game but I can if you want."

Finally they arrive at a crowded barn with two huge men at the door, arming off paparazzi and onlookers with cameras. They wave the trio through and they enter to see a peaceful scene of a Mother and her baby, but this was no ordinary baby, as it said on the huge neon lights they'd put up outside.
The three wise men knelt down before Jesus. "Where are the gifts?!"

elchior hissed, Gaspar groaned, "Ok he can have my macbook." Balthasar sighed "He can have my iPad." "He can have the lamborghini." Melchior huffed. Then in a joint moment of confusion Balthasar and Gaspar said, "Ok he might be special but what can a baby do with a 150 grand supercar?!"

by Josh Penollar








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