The Modern Christmas Story

kingsNot long ago there was a woman named Mary. She was minding her business. When her phone rang, after dancing to her tune she picked up.” I have good news for ya’ babe your havin’ a kid and God is ‘da father” Mary was confused and so lay on her grunge mattress upon the floor of her dingy flat. Before she knew it Mary lay in her bed on the maternity ward at a hospital in New York City. As she screamed its head appeared. Yet she had not lost her virginity. Joseph stood there curious and hurt that the thought of his own wife having an affair.

Meanwhile some Shepard’s received a text on their mobiles which mentioned the bad news. Jesus was his name. God was the father! The Shepard’s cornered a cab jumped in then stopped at Hamley’s to get gifts. They continued on their journey until they reached their destination. Mary was please with her first visitors. She accepted the furry toys from the strange men.

Also that day 3 wise men were at the internet café surfing eBay when he received an MSN conversation from someone named ‘ HOLEy Tights J’

Saying there was a ‘must see’ newborn baby called Jesus rumoured to be the son of God. One of them traced the hospital on the sat-nav but stopped at lakeside to visit tiffany’s he bought a solid gold chain and a pair of earrings. When they visited the baby they were given.

Later on Joseph left Mary after the hurtful rumours and lies spread to his ears.


by Charlotte Judge age 13








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