2. Interaction features

Person - Computer interactions can be analysed by taking four features into consideration. These are:-

  • What is the nature of the interaction required (interactive or not)
  • How is the interaction to be achieved physically (input method)
  • How is the user to be prompted for information (prompting method)
  • How is the user informed of progress and outcome (feedback method)

The nature of the interaction needed will be dictated by the type of interface to be used.

Interactive interface

With this kind to interface, the computer will present further choices to the user depending on their current selection.

For instance consider a holiday booking interface that makes use of an interactive form. The user selects 'Foreign' or 'Local' on the first page of the form resulting in a different page 2 of the form - one for local holiday details and the other for foreign holiday details.

There is a decision-branch aspect to the interface.

Non interactive

If the interface is fairly non-interactive such as a sweet vending machine, once they have made their selection the outcome is always the same with no further branching required.



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