9. Archived data

Archived data is not immediately available online. It has been copied, then removed from the system and stored safely offline.

Archived Data
Pros Cons
Even though data is no longer being used, there is a permenant copy available just in case it is ever needed If archived data is needed in a hurry it has to be located, fetched and re-loaded back onto the computer system
Expensive computer storage is released as unused data is removed from the system The media that archived data has been stored on might become obsolete, thus rendering the archive useless in the future.
  If there was a theft or fire, archived data might be lost. There might not be another copy.


Example 1: Finding Oil.

archiving oil dataOil companies have been exploring for oil for nearly a hundred years. It is incredibly expensive (and dangerous).

They have drilled exploratory holes in the deep oceans, deserts and even in the Arctic wastes in their hunt for oil. A huge amount of geological data is collected but may not be immediately relevant and so it is archived ready for the day when it will be used once again.

The archived data may be 'data mined' to help decide where to place their next oil rig.


Example 2: Parish Records

The births and deaths of people used to be kept as a record in a register in the local church.

This paper archive is now much used when people want to trace their ancestors.


Example 3: Famous person archive

If a person becomes famous enough, then sometimes their personal letters, original manuscripts, early drawings and so on are kept in an archive.

This is to enable future generations to access the archive and understand the life and times of that person.

For example Winston Churchill (politician) has an archive, Albert Einstein (scientist), Harold Pinter (playwright) have archives dedicated to them.


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