Webquest - The Internet

We use the Internet in our everyday lives, at home, at school and at work. But, have you ever stopped to think about what the Internet actually is?


For this Webquest, you will be finding out about the Internet and hopefully by the time you have finished, you should have a better understanding of some of the terms associated with this topic.


Your task:

Use the Internet to help you answer the following questions. Try to answer the questions as fully as possible - not just a single sentence.

What is the Internet?

When was the Internet first created?

Which country was responsible for the idea of the Internet? hint try ‘simple history of the internet’

What is an ISP (Internet Service Provider)?

Find out who was the first ISP

What is a Web Browser?

Find out which is the most popular Browser?

Explain what is a domain name

What is an IP address?

What is your IP address? (hint type ‘my’ instead of ‘your’)

Explain what a firewall is and why it is necessary.

Find out the things which you need to enable you to connect to the Internet?

Explain how Broadband works

What does FTP stand for?

Explain what a blog is

Find an example of a blog and record the web address

Now come up with 5 questions of your own about the Internet. Give them to another student to solve.