3. Advantages & disadvantages of static information sources

Static Information Sources
Advantages Disadvantages
Usually checked for accuracy so often more reliable than dynamic sources If held on a CD, the disk could be lost or damaged
Can be used without access to the internet. Can take a long time to produce i.e. in terms of checking, publishing and distribution
If the information is paper-based then it can be used without access to a computer. Specialised information can be expensive to purchase
Have a historical copy to refer back to even if a later version is produced. Whereas with a dynamic source, the data can be overwritten or vanish May have a licence agreement which means that only one person can use it at a time and that copies cannot be made
Can be distributed to the people who have a specific interest in the information e.g. customers, teachers If a mistake is found in the information then new copies need to be printed and distributed
  Limited to the information available in the CD/book - not so easy to cross-reference as it would be with a web site.
  If in a CD/DVD format then will need access to a computer.