9. Conclusion

This mini-web has presented you with some real-life situations where inaccurate or out of date information leads to a number of issues.

  • Safety. The air traffic control and emergency services scenarios demonstrated that safety can be a serious concern.
  • Loss of income or additional costs. The automated share dealing scenario demonstrated that late information can have a direct impact on profits
  • Customer satisfaction. The Bed & Breakfast example demonstrated that inaccurate or late information can lead to some very unhappy customers.

The methods for improving accuracy include

  • Data validation
  • Encoding
  • Verification

The methods of improving timeliness include

  • Improve physical information channel
  • Improve company procedures
  • Use a real time system where necessary





challenge see if you can find out one extra fact on this topic that we haven't already told you

Click on this link: improving information flow