6. Summary


World wide computer-based communication network Internal computer-based communication network An extended Intranet whereby external personnel are also able to connect to an Intranet.
A network of networks connected by high speed data channels such as leased lines, satellite links, undersea cables and mobile phone network Based on the company LAN or WAN infrastructure. May be a virtual network within the LAN / WAN Uses mobile phone network or a virtual private network (VPN) to establish a connection
Uses TCP/IP protocol Uses TCP/IP and also authorisation system Uses TCP/IP plus authorisation system and encryption system
It is an open network It is a closed network It is a closed network
Services such as Email and the Web are mostly open to the public. Can be viewed or used by employees or authorised users only Can be viewed or used by employees or authorised users only even if they are not connected to the LAN / WAN
World wide open access Access from only within the company or organisation World-wide but private access to an Intranet.
Content and service providers from anywhere in the world Content is mainly generated by internal people for use by other internal people  


Intranet / Extranet
Provides publicly available services Provides private internal services.
Email Company based internal email
File transfer (FTP) FTP to internal secure servers
Instant Messaging (IM) IM between staff only
World Wide Web Internal web content
Video and Audio streaming Video and Audio internal multimedia content
VoIP Possibly an IP based internal phone system


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